Installing flash on Android Jelly Bean (4.1)

With Android Jelly Bean, Google announced that Android will no longer be supporting Adobe's Flash Player. This means reliance on apps such as the YouTube app, which in my opinion, is no problem at all.

For those who are desperate to try and get certain websites and apps working again, despite Google Play not giving you the option to download and install Flash Player, it is still possible to install it.

Download this file (Either directly onto your device or transfer from computer afterwards).

To install, locate the zip file, extract the .apk, and install. There you have it, Flash!

Three notes

The first. I have had very little luck actually getting the player to work in browsers. Opera insists the best option is to simply close abruptly. Other people may have better luck, or even have better ways to get Flash onto their Jelly Bean device.

The second. To install an app from an external source, you will need to go into your device's settings and make sure "Unknown Sources" is ticked. This, according to Android, "allows installation of apps from sources other than the Play Store". This can be found in "security" on most devices.

The third. For those unsure of how to navigate an Android device's storage, a simple file manager from Google Play should do the trick.

EDIT: I've removed the flash file download. The web and Android have moved on, so there is little/no need to manually install flash any more. Now we're on Android 4.3, it may not work at all now!

Posted on the 22nd July 2012 at 8:12pm.